Friday, January 17, 2020

The Stranger Inside - Lisa Unger

A man who likely got away with murder is found dead in his home.  There is no evidence to point a finger at the killer.  For journalist Rain Winters, it all seems eerily familiar.

Rain, a survivor of childhood trauma, finds herself investigating the murder and its similarities to the murder of her attacker and abductor and murderer of her friends.  

As she finds herself divided between stay at home mother and investigative journalist, she must access parts of her past that she kept locked away.  

Hank, the friend that survived the abduction and torture has made it his life to help traumatized children out of the darkness of abuse as a psychologist but he’s never completely forgiven Rain for being the one to survive.

While trying to make sense of the latest murder, Rain uncovers ad rediscovers some truths that were meant to stay buried.  Is there a balance between right and wrong?  Can doing wrong for the right reason make it right?

This is a story full of twists and turns, emotion and introspection.  It has a wonderful depth and a certain lyrical quality, even in its darkest passages.

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